Galaxy Jones and the Space Pirates


A middle grade space adventure about a girl who is determined to save her family and friends from ruthless pirates–even if she has to venture across the universe to do it.

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SKU: 9781534498303 Category:

Galaxy Jones and the Space Pirates

Galaxy Jones lives on the very, very edge of a star system in an inn run by her dads. She loves her home and her little family, but ever since the train station that serviced their part of the universe went defunct, tourists have stopped coming, and Lexi’s on the verge of losing it all. When the royal family stops at their inn on the way to a neighboring star system, Lexi’s dads hope for some good business, but Lexi knows from past experience with spoiled Prince Weston–and his annoying dog, Comet–to expect nothing but trouble.

Turns out, that “trouble” is a whole lot bigger than she anticipated. Weston has stolen something. Even worse, he’s stolen it from notorious pirates–former followers of Lexi’s idol, the famous pirate Astro Bonny–who have tracked him straight to her house. Problem is, Weston has lost the trinket somewhere in deep space. And now the pirates are holding all the adults hostage with the threat of destroying the inn if they can’t find what they’ve come for.

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