Open When…


Feeling overwhelmed? Open when… stress takes over.
Facing self-doubt? Open when… imposter syndrome strikes.
Lost your direction? Open when… you need fresh motivation.


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Open When...

This is the book for life’s twists and turns, when being human starts to get complicated.
must-have companion to Dr Julie’s international bestseller Why Has Nobody Told Me This Before?, which taught us the skills to strengthen our future mental health, Open When… is the book to turn to when you find yourself in the eye of the storm.
Within this book are a series of Open When style letters from Dr Julie to help navigate the moments of overwhelmconfusion or self-doubt that we all face when life gets messy.
Offering calmclarity and a laser focus on the best way forward, each personal letter is followed by real-time tools that will help you re-frame the situation and decide on your next move.

Every chapter covers a new scenario; universal problems that each of us will likely face at some point. So, whether you’re experiencing:

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