The Bus People


The book is about the lived experiences of the bus commuters.
The Bus People are the Black-working class who primarily reside in informal settlements. The book covers the impact of taxi violence on the bus people, the targeting of bus drivers when there are conflicts about public transport routes, the struggles of domestic workers, #FeesMustFall, access to water and dignified sanitation, policing, absent fathers and family planning.

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The Bus People

The Bus People are the black working class people who use Golden Arrow, the domestic workers who wake up at 04h00 to catch a 05h00 bus to town so that they can feed their families; it is the students who take the bus to travel to UCT, CPUT, College of Cape Town, it is the jobseekers who use the bus and people that used to travel by Metrorail before it collapsed because of corruption. The book is trying to tell their stories, their lived experiences. Inasmuch as they are all in the bus, they have different experiences. There is a lack of media space for those kind of stories,” said Sali when quizzed about the title by the moderator, Phumeza Mlungwana.

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