We Shall Remain


This year’s anthology, the fifth, is filled with inspiring and fearless literary works of fiction, non fiction and poetry from across Africa.

These stories capture the essence of the African LGBTQIA+ community and showcase some of Africa’s most talented writers.

The anthology gives a voice to those who would otherwise be marginalised and insists that differences be recognised, embraced and celebrated.

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We Shall Remain

[…] our brilliant authors and collaborators continue to remind us: there is great power in storytelling. As the anthologies stand as a testament to Gerald Kraak’s enduring legacy, so they also serve as a call to new action, inspiring present and future creators and readers to continue the fight for a more inclusive and equal world – Neville Gabriel, CEO The Other Foundation

The Gerald Kraak Anthology and Prize is made possible by the Jacana Literary Foundation and the Other Foundation.

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